Foreign Health Insurance Circular 2025

Important Notice: The explanations are for informational purposes only and you can access current and detailed information at


Dear Foreign Health Insurance customers, we continue to share with you the legal information we have learned about insurance and residence processes in order to make the lives of foreign guests living in Turkey easier.

Our Website only offers Foreigner Health Insurance / Residence Permit Insurance. It was established with this purpose. Other than that, there are no different insurance products. All information about the residence permit processes on our site and in our blog, posts is for the purpose of informing users and is shared completely free of charge to help our policyholders.

With the statement made by the Insurance and Private Pension Regulation and Supervision Agency on 25.12.2024, it was shared that there will be an update in the prices and contents of Foreign Health Insurance as of 01.04.2025. Let's talk about what kind of updates are awaiting.

First of all, Foreign Health Insurance coverages have been updated, let's talk about what these updates are.


Outpatient Treatment: It covers up to 15,000 TL per year in Contracted Health Institutions, the insured participation share is 20%, the company is 80%. In non-contracted health institutions, it covers up to 15,000 TL per year, the insured participation share is 40% and the company is 60%. One of the most important improvements introduced this year is that this insurance is now available in contracted city hospitals in some provinces. In contracted City Hospitals, it covers up to 15,000 TL per year, the insured participation share is 20% and the company is 80%.

Inpatient Treatment: One hundred percent is covered up to 150,000 TL per year in Contracted Health Institutions. In non-contracted health institutions, it covers up to 15,000 TL per year, the insured participation share is 20% and the company is 80%. In contracted City Hospitals, one hundred percent is covered up to 250,000 TL per year.


 So, what are names of the contracted city hospitals?

Another important information is that if the insured cancels the policy for any necessary reason, the insurance company is obliged to notify the Presidency of Internal Affairs and Migration Management of the cancellation of the policy within 5 days.

 You can access the accuracy of this published circular  via the link.

As, we always support you both in insurance purchasing and post-purchase processes. Our customer service is happy to serve you 7 days a week, in 4 languages. is an online purchasing platform that offers foreign health insurance services for residence. Before visiting the website, please visit the homepage of our website for our foreign health insurance services.

Best regards


E-Ikamet Insurance Team



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