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Yes, earthquake insurance is compulsory. Effective 27 September 2000.
DASK insurance is compulsory, but housing insurance is not.
DASK insurance only pays for building damages caused by earthquakes; housing insurance also pays for damage to property that may be damaged by earthquake, flood, inundation, fire, etc.
Without compulsory earthquake insurance, if your building is damaged after a possible earthquake, the damage will not be covered. In addition, natural gas, electricity and water subscriptions cannot be opened to your residence without compulsory earthquake insurance.
DASK policy enquiry is made by the following methods:
DASK UAVT address code is the official identification number of all dwellings as of 1 March 2013. UAVT is a special 10-digit code and is a kind of identification number for all registered dwellings within the borders of the country.
You can learn the UAVT address code from https://adres.nvi.gov.tr/VatandasIslemleri/AdresSorgu offered by the Government of Turkey.
Yes, DASK insurance can be taken out online. Compulsory earthquake insurance offers can be made from comparison sites and insurance companies that issue online policies.
Compulsory earthquake insurance coverage is as follows:
Buildings excluded from compulsory earthquake insurance coverage are as follows:
No, household goods are not covered by compulsory earthquake insurance. If you want to insure the furniture in the house, you need to have housing insurance.
Within the scope of compulsory earthquake insurance, the maximum amount of coverage that can be provided for a dwelling is 640 000 TL for 2023, regardless of the type of construction.
Compulsory earthquake insurance holders can notify the earthquake and earthquake-induced damages covered by the coverage in two ways:
In order to benefit from compulsory earthquake insurance, your building must be completely or partially damaged. The documents required for DASK damage notification are as follows:
After the damage is reported after the earthquake, independent damage assessment officers authorised on behalf of DASK are sent to the address as soon as possible.
The officers who prepare the inspection and determination reports are experienced loss adjusters who have a licence to work in the relevant branch in the insurance sector.
Even if your building was damaged in a previous earthquake, it can be insured depending on the criteria required by the damage category. The Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation classifies damaged buildings in three categories:
The calculation of the compulsory earthquake insurance indemnity is based on the current cost of the reconstruction of the building in the current market conditions at the place and date of the occurrence of the risk. In no case can the insurance indemnity be more than the insurance amount defined in the policy. For each claim, a "deductible exemption" of 2% of the sum insured is applied.
After the damage is assessed by DASK, a damage file is opened and damage assessment officers are appointed to determine the damage. The compensation amount determined in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of Compulsory Earthquake Insurance is sent to the bank branches in the settlement area where the damage occurred via "EFT / Money Order to Name". The ownership of the policy and the damaged dwelling is checked through these bank branches, and compensation is paid to the relevant beneficiary.
DASK deposits the amount determined as a result of the investigations made as a result of the damage to the insured's bank account within 1 month at the latest.
The compulsory earthquake insurance policy must be renewed every year. You can renew DASK as follows:
Yes, during the official transactions such as purchase-sale and mortgage in the land registry offices, it is required that the house is insured.
If you are a homeowner and do not know whether you have a DASK policy or not, you can find out from DASK official website with Turkish ID Number and Residence information.
Since DASK is a type of insurance that is compulsory by the state, it is not possible to cancel the insurance under normal conditions. As an exception, you can only cancel your DASK insurance if the risk has disappeared according to the article "Declaration Obligation of the Insurer and Cancellations" in the General Terms and Conditions of Compulsory Earthquake Insurance.